Popb Digital Business Cards

Category :

Web App

Client :


Start Date :

15 Oct 2022

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Popb, a cutting-edge digital business card web app, needed a robust platform to support its innovative features, including secure payment processing, QR code generation, and custom domain names. The challenge was to develop a web app that could seamlessly integrate these functionalities while providing a user-friendly experience for individuals and businesses alike. Additionally, the app needed to ensure that transactions were secure, easily manage custom domains, and offer a smooth onboarding process for users.

Creating a platform that could handle the technical demands of integrating with Stripe for payment processing, generating unique QR codes, and managing custom domains was complex. The solution required a focus on both functionality and design to ensure that users could effortlessly create and share their digital business cards.

iPhone mock-ups inside beautiful white convention center

02 . The Solution

To address Popb’s needs, we developed a powerful web app that integrates all the key features required for a modern digital business card solution. The app includes seamless integration with Stripe, providing secure and reliable payment processing for users. We also implemented a custom QR code generator, allowing users to create unique, scannable codes that link directly to their digital business cards. Additionally, the platform supports the registration and management of custom domain names, enabling users to personalize their digital business cards even further. The web app was designed with a clean, intuitive interface that guides users through the process of setting up and managing their digital cards, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. The result is a feature-rich, secure, and user-friendly web app that empowers individuals and businesses to share their contact information in a modern, efficient way.

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Commvault Systems Inc.

Category :


Client :


Start Date :

17 May 2022

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Commvault, a leading provider of enterprise data management solutions, required a comprehensive overhaul of its website to better serve its global audience and reflect its position as an industry leader. The challenge was to design a website that effectively communicated their complex offerings while maintaining an intuitive user experience. Additionally, they needed clear, concise copywriting to explain their solutions and resources, along with detailed wireframing to guide the development process.

The task involved creating a digital platform that could handle the vast amount of content Commvault offers, including technical documents, case studies, and product descriptions. The website had to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for performance, ensuring that users could quickly find the information they needed.

02 . The Solution

To address Commvault’s needs, I developed a strategic approach combining advanced web design, professional copywriting, and meticulous wireframing. Using Figma, I made detailed wireframes that showed the website’s structure. This made sure that users could move easily through the different sections, like Platform, Solutions, Resources, Partners, and Becoming Cyber-Ready. These wireframes served as the blueprint for the design and development process, aligning with Commvault's branding and technical requirements. For the content, I crafted clear and compelling copy tailored to Commvault’s enterprise audience, ensuring that even the most complex solutions were easy to understand. The design focused on a clean, modern aesthetic that reinforced Commvault’s brand identity while making the site easy to navigate. The end result was a robust, user-friendly website that effectively communicated Commvault’s value proposition, supported by well-organized and accessible documentation. Additionally, the entire process was documented to ensure that future updates could be handled smoothly and efficiently.

Vision Landscape SD

Category :


Client :

Rome R.

Start Date :

7 August 2023

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Vision Landscape SD, a reputable landscaping business in San Diego, needed to strengthen its online presence to better connect with potential clients and showcase its extensive portfolio. They required a website that could effectively communicate their expertise in the landscaping industry, with a focus on demonstrating their ability to transform outdoor spaces.

The challenge was to create a platform that not only displayed their professionalism but also catered to the specific needs of the landscaping industry. This included showcasing vendor partnerships, highlighting previous work with detailed project descriptions, and effectively using before-and-after photos to vividly illustrate their transformative capabilities.

Vision landscape owner and his wife

02 . The Solution

To meet Vision Landscape SD's specific requirements, I developed a custom WordPress website tailored to the landscaping industry. The site features dedicated sections for vendor partnerships, enabling potential clients to explore the quality and variety of materials used in their projects.

We integrated a dynamic before-and-after image widget that allows visitors to interactively compare transformations with a sliding feature, enhancing the visual impact of their portfolio. The website is designed to be visually engaging, mobile-responsive, and optimized for search engines, ensuring it attracts new clients while effectively communicating the value of their landscaping services. I also provided comprehensive training and ongoing support, enabling the Vision Landscape SD team to manage and update the site with ease.

The Foxy Kind

Category :

E-commerce Marketing

Client :

The Foxy Kind

Start Date :

9 Feb 2024

Designer :

Ashley McGrath

01 . The Challenge

The Foxy Kind, a dynamic e-commerce brand, needed to boost its store revenue by capitalizing on seasonal design trends through effective marketing strategies. The challenge was to create targeted email and text message campaigns that resonated with their audience, driving engagement and increasing sales during peak seasons. With the fast-paced nature of e-commerce, these campaigns needed to be timely, visually appealing, and aligned with the latest design trends.

In addition to crafting compelling content, the campaigns had to be strategically timed to coincide with seasonal shifts in consumer behavior. This required a deep understanding of both the brand’s aesthetic and the trends that would most appeal to their customer base.

02 . The Solution

To help The Foxy Kind maximize revenue, I developed a series of seasonal email and text message marketing campaigns tailored to the brand’s unique style. Each campaign was meticulously designed to reflect current design trends, ensuring that the messaging and visuals resonated with the target audience. By analyzing consumer behavior and seasonal patterns, I was able to strategically time these campaigns to align with key shopping periods. The email campaigns had eye-catching designs and interesting content that showed new products and special offers. The text messages had timely reminders and personalized promotions. This multichannel approach ensured that The Foxy Kind stayed top-of-mind with customers, driving both engagement and conversions. The result was a significant increase in store revenue, with each campaign building on the success of the last, contributing to the brand’s overall growth.

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Bunker Realty Group

Category :

Digital Marketing

Client :

BRG Realty Corp

Start Date :

11 June 2021

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Bunker Realty Group (BRG), a leading real estate brokerage, sought to enhance their online presence to better showcase their extensive portfolio of luxury properties and commercial business opportunities. The challenge was to develop a website that not only communicated BRG’s expertise in the real estate market but also provided a seamless user experience for potential clients. Additionally, they needed visually cohesive marketing materials that could be easily customized for various property listings and promotions.

The task involved creating a website that could handle a large volume of high-quality property listings, complete with detailed descriptions and imagery. The site needed to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized to attract high-end clientele, all while maintaining the professional integrity that BRG is known for.

02 . The Solution

To meet BRG’s needs, we developed a custom website that embodies the brokerage’s high standards and market expertise. The site features a modern, user-friendly interface that allows potential clients to easily explore luxury residential properties and commercial business opportunities. The website was designed to be fully responsive, ensuring optimal performance across all devices, and includes advanced search functionalities to enhance the user experience. In addition to the website, we provided a suite of Canva template designs tailored to BRG’s branding. These templates allow the team to create visually cohesive marketing materials for property listings, social media promotions, and client communications with ease. Our copywriting services also ensured that the website content clearly communicated BRG’s unique value proposition, emphasizing their expertise in luxury real estate and business mergers. With these tools, BRG can effortlessly update their site and marketing materials, keeping everything aligned with their business objectives. The end result is a powerful digital platform and marketing toolkit that strengthens BRG’s online presence and drives client engagement.

Payte Miller Interiors

Category :


Client :

Shannon Rice

Start Date :

15 Oct 2022

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Shannon Rice, a talented interior designer and the creative force behind Payte Miller Interiors, needed to enhance her online presence to attract high-end clients and showcase her extensive portfolio. She required a website that could effectively communicate her expertise in interior design, focusing on her ability to transform living spaces into luxurious, personalized environments.

The challenge was to create a digital platform that not only reflected her sophisticated design aesthetic but also catered to the specific needs of the interior design industry. This included showcasing vendor collaborations, highlighting previous projects with detailed descriptions, and using before-and-after photos to illustrate her design transformations.

Headshot picture of Interior Designer Shannon Rice in San Diego California

02 . The Solution

To meet Shannon Rice’s specific needs, I developed a custom WordPress website tailored to the interior design industry. The site has special sections for working with vendors. This lets potential clients see the high-quality materials and furniture used in their designs. We added a moving before-and-after image widget. Visitors can compare the changes of her projects with a sliding feature, making her portfolio look interesting. The website is made to look great, work on phones and tablets, and be easy to find on search engines. This makes it easy for people to find Shannon’s design services and shows how much they cost. Additionally, we provided comprehensive training and ongoing support, allowing Shannon to effortlessly manage and update the site as her business grows.