Payte Miller Interiors

Category :


Client :

Shannon Rice

Start Date :

15 Oct 2022

Designer :

Cameron Bunker

01 . The Challenge

Shannon Rice, a talented interior designer and the creative force behind Payte Miller Interiors, needed to enhance her online presence to attract high-end clients and showcase her extensive portfolio. She required a website that could effectively communicate her expertise in interior design, focusing on her ability to transform living spaces into luxurious, personalized environments.

The challenge was to create a digital platform that not only reflected her sophisticated design aesthetic but also catered to the specific needs of the interior design industry. This included showcasing vendor collaborations, highlighting previous projects with detailed descriptions, and using before-and-after photos to illustrate her design transformations.

Headshot picture of Interior Designer Shannon Rice in San Diego California

02 . The Solution

To meet Shannon Rice’s specific needs, I developed a custom WordPress website tailored to the interior design industry. The site has special sections for working with vendors. This lets potential clients see the high-quality materials and furniture used in their designs. We added a moving before-and-after image widget. Visitors can compare the changes of her projects with a sliding feature, making her portfolio look interesting. The website is made to look great, work on phones and tablets, and be easy to find on search engines. This makes it easy for people to find Shannon’s design services and shows how much they cost. Additionally, we provided comprehensive training and ongoing support, allowing Shannon to effortlessly manage and update the site as her business grows.